Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Another brick in the Wall!!

Guess there are lot's of up's and down's in life.I am not totally a morose character per se,but I won't deny the fact that i find solace in describing the gloomier part of  life!!
Here's what i think about "Blissful Solitude"!!

O World,why don't you help me unearth you?

Of blissful solitude,Of random cravings.
Of silent strayings down the street of cobblestones.
Of hopeless beliefs,Of silent sighs.
Of consolations from souls who mocked behind.

O Susanne,why don't you help me unfold you?

Of profound emotions,Of sweet whisperings.
Of etheareal strayings down the abyssmal street of hope.
Of undying love,Ah!the smile..
Of faithfull dreams which were never mine.

O World,let me mix with your dirt!

Of sycophancy,Of trysts with fear.
Of blasphemies untold.

O Susanne,let me die in your arms!

Of the spell you had cast,Ah!the eyes..
Of the serene peace,which was never mine.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Random Melody

It's something i wrote last week.Just woke up after a nasty dream and wrote this up..
Have a dekho..

Was it the moist air, or he smelt something cold,
Wakes up, tissues mislead,
Questions his existence, No answer to reckon;
He sleeps again!

The air moist still, or he had thought so?
Urge to smell the glory is what he dreamt,
Gusts of suffocation; midst of sorrow,
Sorrow which none saw, while they kept laughing!

The steps were broad, feet numbed,
Tussled up, he smirks again,
Questions his existence, No answer still;
A realization: he won’t ever sleep again!

He smelt the air, it had rained
Cosmic significance? He laughed again,
There she was, drenched in the stars,
For once he startled again.

Pure serene; the steps regained,
He looked again, pure mystic calm,
His head hung high above the sky,
She never ever moved again.

The hairs all over, he took some heavy steps,
She smelt cold, her hands he held,
Unmoved, he saw her under the rain,
Tranced, he wished eternity to her again.

Eternity it was, to her undying pain,
Trenched in stars, he never saw her again,
Questions his existence, No answer still;
A realization: he won’t ever let her sleep again!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Belfast,Northern Ireland.

Hii folks,
I am a lazy blogger,which is pretty evident by the time intervals between two successive posts,No apologies for that;but as the theme of my blog signifies,i chanced to visit my blog and suddenly decided to write something!

I am in Northern ireland at the moment.Have had a surprise off day.No work tonite.Tried to ponder relentlessly on several trivialities.Friends dropping in and out of my room.Strange buzz of accentuated loquaciousness by american mates at the backdoor.The sun in no mood to set.When i turn my head towards the right,out of the window, i come across a picturesquel beauty which leaves in a trance for ages.I turn my head towards the left and am amazed by the technically molded genuinity of the room.Believe me,its a different world all together.

I dont want to devote this post singing glories of the place,but i feel that the City never sleeps.I have ventured across the city for the maximum period of my stay at seemingly odd timings and i always get something new to think upon.The emphatic enigma of the lazy sun out here sends ripples of majestic carvations to the place.At nights,when the bartenders chant the scarcity of rum and when the guards signal the end of the night,the warm cries of "just-befriended friends" somewhat leaves me amazed.The countless 'beauties',the serenity in their eyes and their concern for strangers sends tremors of reverberations in my heart.I have managed to imprint many memories of the place which will never ebb from my soul.
To digress myself from the hoopla of dreams,i revert back to reality.Got a call just now.Some work at hand.Got to finish it in a weeks time as only a week is left before i leave this place.
But again, i hope i stayed on!!..

Friday, November 7, 2008

Enough is enough

Regionalisation of politics is ultimately leading india to massive incineration.The respective states are sceptic to the fact that their actions are utlimately creating unbridgeable voids between themselves, as a result of which the country is failing to act profusely.If there are inter-states tussles of this kind then it is very obvious for the fundamentalists and terrorists to cause commotion and eventually holocaust india's mission to prosperity;and this is exactly what is happening in the recent past. I dont have personal grudges against particular parties,as i pity there creepy political agendas briefly showcasting there dirth and greed for votes;doing so they shamelessly bifurcate the interests of the country as a whole.The constitutional rights clearly bestow that the citizens of the country can go to any place of there choice and need and obviously they can behave as they used to when they were in their original states.In this regard,we cannot remain oblivious to the other south-indian states who single-mindedly look into their own personal interests and segregate the north indians,
af if they dont exist at all.Hindi speaking is considered as an offence for many over there.
Fact is every state cannot be as developed as the other.If every state observes industrialisation and modernisation as their motto,then where will the food come from.North indians are targetted as illiterates and as "bimari's",but they are the ones who surveiliently serve the country's need for agriculture.When these people go outside the state in search of a better way of living,they are ridiculed...this is a big shame to the nation and subsequent steps have to be taken in this regard."Shiv sena" can always look to amplify the interests of the "marathi manus" but not on costs of the other people who stay there.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Quick Intro

Hello friends..I am Abhi..It's rather sophisticated n strange this idea of introducing myself to you guys coz it shouldnt matter to you all who i m...wat i do..n stuffs like dat..still i go on..its difficult to introduce oneself as the normal tendency points towards presenting a brighter picture of ours,a picture which is a touch over reality; every pixel of which itching to give certain degree of complexes to its readers.well i am not blatantly honest and i will try not to do the same..i hve managed two years of engineering and am looking forward for the upcoming years.overall i have had loads of ups n downs in my life but i have lived through them in my own way and i guess i have managed well..overall m a simple guy with simple dreams...impatient,anxious,emotional,sensitive at times.. Blogging is a modest way of stating that i love myself for which i decided to have a unique imprint in virtual space.Neither am i sure whether its safe to write anything that might hold a mirror to my inner strife.Given the restrictions.i doubt whether i can be myself in the blog or whether i will be following a fad like the others,but the sole idea is to help you guys in more than one ways or two,obviously with stuffs i am interested in...
So cheers everybody and keep visiting..