Friday, November 7, 2008

Enough is enough

Regionalisation of politics is ultimately leading india to massive incineration.The respective states are sceptic to the fact that their actions are utlimately creating unbridgeable voids between themselves, as a result of which the country is failing to act profusely.If there are inter-states tussles of this kind then it is very obvious for the fundamentalists and terrorists to cause commotion and eventually holocaust india's mission to prosperity;and this is exactly what is happening in the recent past. I dont have personal grudges against particular parties,as i pity there creepy political agendas briefly showcasting there dirth and greed for votes;doing so they shamelessly bifurcate the interests of the country as a whole.The constitutional rights clearly bestow that the citizens of the country can go to any place of there choice and need and obviously they can behave as they used to when they were in their original states.In this regard,we cannot remain oblivious to the other south-indian states who single-mindedly look into their own personal interests and segregate the north indians,
af if they dont exist at all.Hindi speaking is considered as an offence for many over there.
Fact is every state cannot be as developed as the other.If every state observes industrialisation and modernisation as their motto,then where will the food come from.North indians are targetted as illiterates and as "bimari's",but they are the ones who surveiliently serve the country's need for agriculture.When these people go outside the state in search of a better way of living,they are ridiculed...this is a big shame to the nation and subsequent steps have to be taken in this regard."Shiv sena" can always look to amplify the interests of the "marathi manus" but not on costs of the other people who stay there.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Quick Intro

Hello friends..I am Abhi..It's rather sophisticated n strange this idea of introducing myself to you guys coz it shouldnt matter to you all who i m...wat i do..n stuffs like dat..still i go on..its difficult to introduce oneself as the normal tendency points towards presenting a brighter picture of ours,a picture which is a touch over reality; every pixel of which itching to give certain degree of complexes to its readers.well i am not blatantly honest and i will try not to do the same..i hve managed two years of engineering and am looking forward for the upcoming years.overall i have had loads of ups n downs in my life but i have lived through them in my own way and i guess i have managed well..overall m a simple guy with simple dreams...impatient,anxious,emotional,sensitive at times.. Blogging is a modest way of stating that i love myself for which i decided to have a unique imprint in virtual space.Neither am i sure whether its safe to write anything that might hold a mirror to my inner strife.Given the restrictions.i doubt whether i can be myself in the blog or whether i will be following a fad like the others,but the sole idea is to help you guys in more than one ways or two,obviously with stuffs i am interested in...
So cheers everybody and keep visiting..